Sunday, February 10, 2008


After five days, things seem to be going pretty well. This sudden burst of creativity feels great. Four songs written, two demoed, it all good. It feels especially good, and so not forced. I'm putting no restrictions of any kind on what I'm doing. I've always tried to make my songs fit a certain style. I've always tried to write in a certain way, or I've tried to be cute and clever. I have always been trying to impress people. I've always been writing for someone else. This time I'm doing it for me.

There's a very good chance that no one else will ever hear these songs (or read this blog, for that matter.) That's very freeing. The two demos that I've already posted are horrible. The mix is rough, there's no effects, and the singing is atrocious. But I don't care. They are signs of progress toward the ultimate end result.

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